
By Jassie

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Sunday 21 August 2011


18th August 2011
Chinese Singing Competition Vs Zimei Trips Vs Cut Hair

Yeah, it's been four days i didn't update my bloggie!!
The main reason is because of my laziness~~
I remember clearly that particular day have only one human biology class! then after that, i was jailbreak from other lectures!
I went Sapo house and fetched her, then came IMU and fetched Jia Jia!!
The first destination was makan!!! at Taylor Lakeside Campus!!
After that, went to the student services and ask for their consultant about the pharmacy couse!
The second destination, we went to Summit Segi College and asked for their consultant too!!
The third destination was at PJ Old Town to cut my fringes!!
Jia Jia decided to cut her too!!
The last destination was IMU Lectute Theatre 2!!
Congratz to my dear Boon Yi, Shu Fang, Cass, and Jo Jo!! U guys are awesome!!
Jengho, Bong, Ashley u guys were awesome too!!!!

19th August 2011
Yeah, today we had the Pharmaceutical Organic Chem Cal Session!!!
After this Cal, me, sareen, FIFIt,and momo went to IOI Mall to take our lunch!
After some long decision making, finally we choose Teppanyaki as our restaurant to filled up our hunger!!
Hmm, the food were delicious espeacially the sour vege!! hmm yummy!!
Then, shopping time!!
We went to Daiso to bought my tie!!!
Then, went to Padini, Caring Pharmacy and Dong Cha!!
So, this were our short trip of the day!!
Then, went back IMU and fetch Jia Jia !! to Kl " Dou Feng"

20th August 2011
The second Joint Installation of Omega Leo Clubs were held on today!
The attire for today is quite formal!!lol!! need to wear the bronze tie too!!
The same protocol again, it's nothing much difference compared to the previous event!!
But, this year there were something messed up the emcee was not good at all!
Photo session, makan session, induction and installation sessions!!!

21th August 2011
Lions Club of Damansara held a meaningful event today which is Blood Donation!!at Jinjang Utara!!
Hmm, i enjoyed this event pretty much!!
Interacted with Lions, Leos and Alpha too!!
Besides, i had bougth five badges today from the alpha!
nice knowing them!!
xiao Yee House!!

nice days with nice events!!


Wednesday 17 August 2011























Monday 15 August 2011

Practical Session

The third practical sesion of general chemistry!!
Unfortunately, this time my result not accurated as compared to the previous practical!
Again, 8 o'clock morning class i still cant awake and attended the lecture!
So, i just give us this " morning chance"
Argggg, no mood for my revision,
luckily, yesterdsy night i'm managed to file up all the lectures notes according to subjects and the colour of the file!!
Seriously, no mood to do my revision =(
no mood to watch korean drama too!!
no mood to do anything that i had planned earlier!!
Argggg, i want my mood back,
i have to tidy up myself to do my freaking revision!!
There were so many subjects i haven touch yet =(
felt nervous and of course afraid cant get a flying colour result for this
semester, seriously, i wanted my mood back!!!
have to do revision as soon as possible!!

Hapiee Boom dAY yIT! + Others

13th August

Charity Home Visit
This time we went to the Nursalam Chou Kit Street Centre to visit the teenages there!
But then this time we went to KL Crash Pad which is also located in the Chou Kit Street!
Surprisingly, those teenagers there were friendly and hyper active when they saw us!
This visit is quite different as compared to the previous visit, this time we deal with teenagers that from 13 to 21 years old!
At first, i thought that they wil behaved awkfully and some weird behaviors, but surprisingly after knowing them i felt that every one of them are talented on their own ways, they are really creative and friendly!
The games that prepared by our Game Master were so exciting and delightful!
All of them enjoyed the games very much, their laughers, their cooperative,their creativity, their friendly attitude make me felt that they are so awesome althought some of them are orphagans!
Their life were so simple and even make me felt i'm very luckily to have such a lovely family by my own!
After this visit, i'll appreciated what i have, i don't ask for more, i
just wanted to do my best for my dearest family members!!
I'll cherish what given by the God!!

At night were enjoying my dinner at ss2!!

14th August 2011
Again, PPS had accompanied me for the whole day!
I watched both taiwanese and Korean Drama!!
Yong Tau Fu party!!

15th August 2011
Yittttttttt boom day today!!
Wish her hapiee birthday and happy always!!
We gave her a surprise today =)
We went to her house and celebrated with her!!
The cake is delicious and cute!!(footprint on it)

Haven started my revision =(!!

Friday 12 August 2011


It's friday!! It's friday!!It's friday
imma love friday so muchiee =)
Argggg, i cant wake up on time today =(, the consequences was i had skipped the human biology class =(. felt abit guilty!!
Yeah, as early we had planned for our outing !
First we went to BBQ Plaza took our `breakfast + lunch!!
Our lunch today were Family set and supreme set!!
Then after we went to cinem and watched the Hong Kong drama!!
Erm, not bad, somehow reflected both men and women attitude toward their relationship!

The third earphone i bought today!! a new pencilcase!!!files!!

My RM150 lost already!!! =(
damn emo now!!!!!


Thursday 11 August 2011

IMU Chinese Singing Competition Aka Leo Meeting Aka KFC

There were numerous events happened today.
After the Genetic lecture, i followed Wei Ming gang went to Sri Petaling KFC and taken our dinner!
Snack Plate KFC set was my dinner for today =)
Then went to the IMU Chinese Singing Competition!!
Woah, this event was great, many talented people joined as contestants!!
Most of them have the melody and unique voice!!
Mpharm, Bpharm, Biomed and other courses students joined this event!
Yeah, Jengho, Shu fang,Boon Yi, Cass, Jojo their voices were damn nice!!!!
Super nice indeed!!
Unfortunately, i must attend the Monthly Regular Leo Meeting today~~
That why 8p.m i need to go there =(!!
I saw my sapo today!!!!! hehe so happy!!

There are so many upcoming Leo event coming soon!!!
Need to rearraging my schedule again!!

Recently, there were many robbing cases near my house, hope that the security system can be improve.!!

Good night!!!

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Another Random Day

Headline for the day
" Please switched off your camera " haha this epic sentences is came from a Cambodia lecturer Dr Choi!!
First time went into Mpharm class,i got so many feeling to expressed out!!
All those people were so familiar to me, all those laughters, all those joke, all those interaction that happened in this class!!

Honestly, this class that had bring to me so mamy memories that i will remember for my rest of my life!!
Luckily, you guys still welcome me into this class!!!
Again, i burped so many times during the class!!
I miss everyone of them!!!

There after we went to took our lunch and snow~ing!!!

Liang Boom day today, went out at the midnight hours, surprisingly, my mummy allowed me to went out yesterday!!
Another secondary school mates gathering, again, i miss them too!!!

Monday 8 August 2011

Practical Session~~

Another biological science practical had been carried out today!!
Surprisingly, within one and the half hours we can finished the whole experiment!

The practical via PBL session is about to find out the molecular weight for both unknown organic acid and unknown powder!!

Once again, the apparatus that make me felt familiar is no longer my afraid~ness for this semester, i felt awesome and somehow i felt excited about touching all those apparatus such as burette, pipette, beakers, conicsl flasks, filter funnel, and even the weighing beam, haha i finally i learnt independent work since starting of this semester!!

The first person who i really appreciated is my previous lab partner - Natalie Chew!!!
From the beginning of my previous semester, honestly, i don't even know how to use all those apparatus, and now i can said or shout out loud that i can skillfully used all those apparatus!!

Haha, and even now i can helped my partner to carried their experiment smoothfully !!! Yeah!!

A good day start with some gloomly sparks!!
and i hope it can continually sparks throughtout my years in this uni!!


Hapiee Boom Day!!

Woah, today many of my friends boom day, i'm here to wish them happy birthday!!

Another protein concentration biological science practical to be carried out!!Yeah, the readings we obtained were not precise and accurate!!
Maybe there were many systematic error had occured during the micropepette and the spectrophotometer itself!!

Lastly, we managed to get the readings but then still not very accurate lol!

Eunice boom day today, and her gang helped her to celebrate her happy 20th!
Some of us went to Sentral and bought all those barbeque stuffs!!
Therefore, we went to wet and nonwet market to fullfilled our needs!!

Then after that some of us clean and chop all the seafoods and chicken!!
Some of them clean the vege!!

The teamwork good were good!! awesome!!


Sunday 7 August 2011


I'm here to announced that i had wasted my beautiful and wonderful friday night, saturday cum sunday!!
Gosh, usually i'll hang out with my friends or my love one!!
But guess what, PPS had accompanied me for almost three days two night!!
See, isn't i wasted my wonderful holidays??
But,but, but bad things always come with the good things!!
Me and my sister had watched three diferent series of drama!!
Gosh, within this three days we had enjoyed the movie so much!!

There are still many important things/ matters for me to resolve it!!
First, is myself!!
Second, is my moon surface face
Third, is my freaking hair!!

I need to safe all of them, i need to safe them for my bright future!!

Yeah, and i'm happy with my weekend!! =)

Duck party today!!
Yummy, delicious!!

Saturday 6 August 2011

Shark Aunt Big Day

Yeah, another wonderful saturday had ended with a beautiful birthday celebration =)
Today me and my younger sister were sitting in front of my lappie and watched Korean Drama [ Romance ]!!
I give this drama three stars and this drama under eighteen teens cant watch o!!! haha

My family and third aunt family went to Shabu-Shabu today at Puchong Puteri!
First time went in to this steamboat shop!
Guess what, this shop is quite different from other steamboat shop!!
Their design and resolution was exactly follow the Japanese style!!
A new type of steamboaat style for our next choise!!

Blow a blueberry cake with our aunt!!!
Hapiee Boom day to you!!
Wish everyone health and prosperity!!!

Friday 5 August 2011


This was my first time wrote my blog at the midnight hours!!
Today is Friday!! Friday!! Friday, i should have enjoy this wonderful night with some bestie, but i choose to sit in front of my lappie and continually watched my beeloved korean drama!! [City Hunter]!!
This drama is super duple triple nice!!
I give a very high rating to this drama o!!!
Even my om also addicted to this drama!!

Someone i knew is very BIAS~~~
Bias!!! Ok, dont look down at me okay??
I'm fine with the situation now!!
I'm really comfortable with who im now!! okay??
Seriously, you had changed alot!!
Dont look down at me, i just want to walk in my own shoe!!
Loner, i'm ok with it!! okay??
If you want to become a bias person, then you just continue in your own way!!
I'm seriously fell comfortable and delightful!! now!!

Thursday 4 August 2011

Lonely + Dinner~ing

Sometimes, i'll felt quite lonely this few weeks!!
Ahhh, lonely, loner, single but not available!!
i just want to walk it my own style,
i don't want to fit in other people shoes,
i want to walk and perform in my own way!
i want to become a ordinary potato!!in my life!
i want to become myself,
i want to become a "平凡”person in my life!
Loner, the word that best described my feeling now!

yummy, actually planned to eat noodles or rice as my dinner,
and end up with GCB!!!
Delicious!!! i like the smooky frend fried!!
Again, a pair of high heel of myself!!

Wednesday 3 August 2011

New Friends~~~

Today i went to Sri Petaling New area to take my lunch!
Yeah, the location is Teoh Chew Duck Restaurant!!
Hmm, the food that we had ordered is quite delicious espeacially the sour vege, i'm lovin it~~
shall go back next time!!^^

Yeah, today one of our batchmate created a group for the Bpharmers 11!!
I'm busy adding and approved my friend request!! hehe!!
I haven do any revision yet!!
I didn't pay attention to my lectures today, felt so bad now =(..
but i'm lazy to do my revision just wanna lay on my bed !!
Chit-chatting and replied messages!!

GCB!!! tomorrow!!! yeah!!
Good nite peeps!!
i'm tired and fell exhausted!!!
Yeeeeeeeeee hope ur ulcers will turns better!!
pray hard for you!!!!

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Chaotic PBL Session

Can you ever imagine within three hours, i need to do my recrystallisation process ( as you all know so many tedious and hactic steps inside), determine the melting point, collect the benzoic acid crystal and we need to submit our lab report after our PBL session!
The report consisted of two section, the first one is to calculate the percentage yield and the recovery percentage!
Whereas, the second part we need to write a short essays for TEN QUESTIONS!!!
Oh my goodness!!
can you all imagine that at the following pharmaceutical organic chemistry practical we all need to hand in the report IMMEDIATELY!!!!

Hope our next PBL session!!! i manage to handle !!

Siao, went night market with another group of new friends!!
lol, Jiaaaa i bought the hairbands again!! siao!!!
Yeeeee, i know you are ( home SICK)~~~ now!!!
Think of your friends lol!!!!!!

Monday 1 August 2011

Lovely Dinner with Lovely my family

Today is a brand new day for the starting of this month (August)
Finally, July had pass by, and now August come say hi to me!!
And i responded back " Hi, August welcome visit us on the 21th century.
By stepping into this month, perhaps i know my workload, assignments, reports, revision, has increases day by day even month by month!
Cant imagine i'm having the Basic Mathematic test on my big day =)
For me, i fell nervous, i fell anxious, i fell chaotic!!
I had a very dramatic experiences on my math, this time i'll do better than the previous paper!!
I swear!! The marks is my birthday present for this year!!

Few hours ago went dinner with my lovely family!!
Steamboat!!! Yummy Yummy!!!

I'll cherish and appreciate what i have,
i wont ask for more,
i wont be greedy,
i just want to spent my time with my lovely family and friend!

Yeah, tomorrow will be another PBL session!!!
This time the experiment is far more harder than the previous want!!
is about recrystallization!!!
The procedure make us tedious and hactic!
hope our PBL session tomorrow will be succesfull!!!
Pray hard!!

Selamat Berpuasa!!!!
Lol, random!! betul!!