
By Jassie

Monday 15 August 2011

Hapiee Boom dAY yIT! + Others

13th August

Charity Home Visit
This time we went to the Nursalam Chou Kit Street Centre to visit the teenages there!
But then this time we went to KL Crash Pad which is also located in the Chou Kit Street!
Surprisingly, those teenagers there were friendly and hyper active when they saw us!
This visit is quite different as compared to the previous visit, this time we deal with teenagers that from 13 to 21 years old!
At first, i thought that they wil behaved awkfully and some weird behaviors, but surprisingly after knowing them i felt that every one of them are talented on their own ways, they are really creative and friendly!
The games that prepared by our Game Master were so exciting and delightful!
All of them enjoyed the games very much, their laughers, their cooperative,their creativity, their friendly attitude make me felt that they are so awesome althought some of them are orphagans!
Their life were so simple and even make me felt i'm very luckily to have such a lovely family by my own!
After this visit, i'll appreciated what i have, i don't ask for more, i
just wanted to do my best for my dearest family members!!
I'll cherish what given by the God!!

At night were enjoying my dinner at ss2!!

14th August 2011
Again, PPS had accompanied me for the whole day!
I watched both taiwanese and Korean Drama!!
Yong Tau Fu party!!

15th August 2011
Yittttttttt boom day today!!
Wish her hapiee birthday and happy always!!
We gave her a surprise today =)
We went to her house and celebrated with her!!
The cake is delicious and cute!!(footprint on it)

Haven started my revision =(!!

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