
By Jassie

Sunday 7 July 2013


Haha, suddenly in this hour, i got mood to write my blog, is so random, is so sudden, and is so LOL~ing moment.

Decided to write about myself at this hour, kinda cool~ huh.

Haha college this photo of my selfies.
I'm who i am, I'm unique in this world, there is no second me on this world, except there were successful cloning another of my gene cloning. Lol

Alright, i'm turning older for the next two months, kinda excited for my up coming birthday, haha because my friends wanna bring me go" clubbing" for my celebration! Nah just saying don't no is a joke or a serious matter. Anyway, been went through some hard times for the past two months. But now kinda relieve that i'm undergone it with a piece of mind and calmness of heart.

If you know me very well, you will think i'm going insane and mad or silly every times  just simply i want make or influence my friends in to be in a happy mood. Life is too short to be miserable, don't spend our precious time with all those emo~ness. Although i understand, once in a while, you will being act with your " relationship, friendship, family matter, academic achievement, working, stress and etc". Is okay to emo for sometimes, but not every times. If not our body cells will degrade tremendously.

Yeah, i'm in a kinda don't no what to called mood now, just feel relieve, no stress for this moment, kinda relax and chillax now. I do believe people who we met come for a reason, either they give you a lesson on your life or they give a precious relationship or friendship in your life. I do appreciate those friends who hurt me before, because after i learnt a precious lesson from them. This is also a growing process in our life.

My gosh, still not in a mood to sleep!!!


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